For this post, I’ve responded to Jack Hammond’s Blog Post #2:

Hi, Jack! Great post. Your “Digital Identity: Personal vs. Professional” section was especially insightful. I liked that you mentioned how important it is to avoid posting/interacting with controversial material to maintain a positive digital identity. Many struggle to know when content is too controversial, so I’m curious how you decide. I usually think about how it could be interpreted by a stranger, which helps provide me with perspective.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

I really like your digital visitor and resident map! The one I made was similar to yours, as it also emphasizes how I eventually want to view myself more as a digital visitor than a resident. It’s fascinating to think that, for so long, the internet/social media was viewed as a desirable place to reside, but now, many who have spent numerous years there hope to distance themselves. I wonder how/if internet and social media usage will change in the future because of this shift.

Lastly, your see-saw/fulcrum analogy for self-directed learning was interesting, and the TedTalk you attached was very informative. You might like this TedTalk about self-directed learning as well.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!